Top 5 Bottom 5 Victoria Beckham Beauty

One of my favorite luxury makeup brands would have to be Victoria Beckham Beauty. They were kind enough to send me some PR a while ago, but I have also bought things with my own money. So I thought I could do a roundup of my best and worst products from the brand. I haven’t tried everything but of what I have tried I have loved most. Let’s discuss my top 5 bottom 5 Victoria Beckham Beauty.

top 5 bottom 5 victoria beckham beauty

I have reviewed all the products I have tried. You can find those reviews by clicking here. The reviews will show you swatches and what things look like on my face as well, so hopefully that can give you an idea of whether you like these things too. While not all of these are perfect I genuinely like the brand and will be buying from them again in the future.

Top 5 Bottom 5 Victoria Beckham Beauty // Best & worst luxury makeup

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What is your favorite Victoria Beckham Beauty product?

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