Reading slump

At this point in time, you would probably expect a July book review from me. Alas, it was not meant to be, because I wasn’t able to finish any books during the month of July. I hit a major reading slump this month and I thought I’d tell you all about that instead.

Reading slump

Some new books to hopefully combat the reading slump

It’s not for lack of books that I am in this reading slump. I have enough books to keep me going for some time, but I just haven’t felt like reading much. Lately, I’ve been much more into listening to music, even while on the train, and simply do not reach for a book that quickly. I did buy a few new books in the hopes of combating said reading slump, so here’s to hoping that these titles can get me back on my reading kick.

The first reason why I haven’t been reading much is very simple: I’ve been too busy. The first two weeks of July were mayhem. There just wasn’t much time between work, blogging and life to sit down and read. Especially work took a good chunk out of my time those final two weeks before summer break. I worked hard to try and finish everything up before the vacation, which meant that I sometimes worked till 9 or 10 PM and I even had to go in on my days off just to manage everything. Rather than reading a book, I need all the time I could to clear my headspace and just day dream for a bit. That is still my favorite way to truly unwind after a long day.

Secondly, I hit the reading slump while reading Look Who’s Back by Timur Vermes. This book about the return of Hitler to earth in our day and age promised to be a very entertaining read. Almost 30% into the story I was amused at times, but it hasn’t been ROFL funny. My German isn’t good enough (or at least I’m not confident enough) to read it in the original language and I think that some bits may have been lost in translation. Overall, I find it a bit of a tough read, that feels very cyclic, while taking up quite a bit of processing space. It just wasn’t the right book to be reading while work was so demanding at the same time.

To get me back on the reading wagon so to speak, I decided to start one of the newer books I picked up at the beginning of my vacation: Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes. This book is breeze to get through, very funny indeed and I’m nearly halfway through. However, I started reading this during vacation and what with trying to write enough blog posts to truly have a vacation, lots of appointments and errand running, I just haven’t had the time to sit down and read while at home. I get so easily distracted when I’m home as there are a bazillion other things I might do other than sit down and read.

In short, I know this slump will go away and last only a little while. I’ll be going on vacation this summer as well and that usually gives me enough time to read. Also, during the second half of my vacation, I’ll have fewer appointments and places to be. So that will hopefully get me the time and space I need to sit down and race through a few exciting reads. I’m now 4  or 5 books behind schedule on my reading challenge, but I’m sure that by the end of this month I could very well be back on track again.

What do you do when you hit a reading slump?

4 responses to “Reading slump”

  1. When I hit a slump I do the same thing & pick up a popcorn read. My current problem is my library requests are not keeping up with me. Of course if I were having a hard read I’d end up with 4 books at once & overdue fees. I’m thinking about picking up something at home that I haven’t read in quite some time to kill time while my next request makes its way to me.

  2. Ik wil zo graag beginnen in Harry Potter, maar moet echt eerst Harlan Coben uitlezen. Op zich een super boek, maar ik ben steeds druk met andere dingen. Vandaag wil ik toch echt een uurtje inplannen om lekker te lezen. En als ik dan eenmaal bezig ben, worden het zo 2 a 3 uur..haha

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